Arts-Based Healing Practices

The arts offer a pathway to your intuition.

Our ancestors knew this. Throughout history, humans have used the arts to tap into a deep knowing that circumvents the limits of the thinking mind.

The act of creating soothes our nervous system by bringing us out of our heads and into our bodies. The arts foster a sense of connection with ourselves, other people, and the mystery of life.

Talismans and amulets, icons and totems, myths, and fairy tales, and chanting and song – today’s Information Age has pushed aside these ancient formats in favor of objective truth. Yet modern science is increasingly validating the capacity of practices like these to shift us toward states of greater equilibrium and connection.

The arts are a powerful tool to shape our lived experiences. Imagery allows us to access our stories at a gut level, bypassing our self-judgments and interpretations. And it supports us in rewriting those narratives in ways that bring our strengths and desires to the forefront.

SoulCollage® with Diana Johnson

Explore an intuitive collage process for self-discovery, using recycled magazine pictures, cardboard, and glue. The practice is deeply personal and introspective while also a warmly supportive group practice.

SankalpaKraft with Diana Johnson

“Sankalpa” is a Sanskrit word referring to a heartfelt desire or intention. Create a Sankalpa statement to use as a personal mantra and craft a handmade object (such as a piece of jewelry, a treasure chest, or a fidget stone) to keep you on course for bringing your intention alive.

Morning Altars with Ann Viveros (Morning Altars practitioner-in-training)

Awaken to the magic and mystery of our earth. Learn the practice of using found objects from nature (pinecones, stones, twigs, leaves, and flowers) to infuse your life with a revitalizing sense of wonder grounded in natural beauty.

Talking Suitcases™ with Susan Armington

The Talking Suitcases™ project brings personal stories to life through Art and storytelling. Participants fill a small suitcase or box with handmade “story objects” inspired by memories with personal significance and crafted from household materials. They then share their suitcases in a talking circle. Each Talking Suitcase lives on as a touchstone to those memories.

Making Mandalas with Ann Viveros

Experience how a simple pen-and-paper drawing based on repetition and pattern can become a tool for deep inner contemplation and healing. You will take away a beautiful hand-created mandala and a sense of accomplishment, as well as ideas for further contemplation.

Experience the healing power of the arts.

Creating is part of human nature, and it’s a powerful way to connect with others.

Our practices are accessible to people of all ages regardless of prior art-making experience and adaptable to any spiritual affiliation (or none).

We offer practices suitable for individual work, group workshops, or community events.

Contact us to plan a custom arts-based healing experience.

If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces.

– Shane Koyczan